Saint Matthew's Catholic Church
78 Ridgeway Street East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Welcome to
Saint Matthew's Catholic Church
East Stroudsburg, PA
The Holy Father has announced the 2025 will be a Jubilee Year. This is something that happens every 25 years. The theme for Jubilee 2025 is Pilgrims of Hope.
The program is designed for all babies, toddlers & parents to enjoy especial time with your children on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, from 10 am until 12 noon in the Parish Hall.
St. Matthew’s KOC: Council 114434
The Knights of Columbus, Council # 114434 has been helping young people with scholarships available to students graduating in 2025.
Applications are available in the church office. You must mail the application with the required attachments (with a dated postmark) no later than April 8, 2025.
Flag Football Tournament
It's going to be a fun sport day on Saturday March 8, 2025
Between 12-3pm
Battle of the Churches
More information contact Miss Ramona at 570-977-6376
The ISLI retreat is designed to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in both the leadership and membership roles of task-oriented groups. The students spend 3 days working together to become leaders. Taking place at Holy Transformation Retreat Center in Dalton, PA.
The Forming Disciples and Sharing Gifts process encourages parishioners to identify their gifts, to be grateful for these gifts, to cultivate and use them responsibly, to share them lovingly in justice with others, and to return them back to God with increase.
By supporting the Catholic Ministries Appeal, you help provide funding for essential Ministries throughout the eleven-county area of the Diocese of Scranton. Through our unity and stewardship, we are able to attend to the physical and spiritual needs of our friends and neighbors throughout northeastern and North Central Pennsylvania.
We, the members of St. Matthew's Parish are all servant leaders who strengthened by the Eucharist become stewards of all God has given to us. As faithful stewards we evangelize through our participation in Worship and Word so that we can offer our Service to our parish Community and to the broader Community as we humbly strive to witness the Good News and to spread the Kingdom of God.
Please prayerfully consider how you will offer your gifts of time and talent as you read through this booklet and reach out to the contact person(s) or complete the tear-off to help in our parish mission to spread the Kingdom of God through Worship, Word, Service and Community.
Let's take a moment to read our Parishioners' testimonials
My name is Janine Graziano-Full, and my husband Nick and 3 children have been parishioners. I am fully aware....
My name is Dave Makarsky, my wife Val and I have been parishioners for approximately one and half years now.......
My name is Ariette Escobar and I would like to share something with you today. My Husband and I have been attending....
My name is Melissa and I have been parishioner of St. Matthew's for 15 years. I am currently involved....
Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am, 9:15am (Spanish), 10:45am,
12:15pm, 2:00pm (Spanish) & 6:00pm
Daily Mass (English):
Monday-Friday: 12:00pm Noon
Saturday: 8:00am
Daily Mass (Spanish):
Monday-Friday: 8:00am (Spanish)
Friday: 6:30pm (Spanish)
Saturday: 7:00am (Spanish)
Confession (English):
Saturday: after 8:00am Mass & 3:00-3:45pm
or by appointment
Confession (Spanish):
Friday: 5:30-6:15pm (Spanish only)
Eucharist Adoration:
Tuesday-Friday: 12:30-6:00pm
Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday: 8:30am-2:00pm
Office closed Thursday & for daily mass (11:45-12:30pm).
Livestream Mass: Phone:
Click here to view on YouTube.
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