Good morning (evening)

My name is Dave Makarsky. My wife Val and I have been parishioners for approximately one and half years now. We relocated here from Memphis, Tennessee so that I could assume the role as Managing Director at Camelback Resort. Our one and only daughter Danielle lives in Brooklyn with her husband and our 7-month-old grandson.


Val and I were elated to discover St. Matthew’s as it is a diverse, vibrant hometown parish with many ministries.  We have always sought to have an active role in our church community. Val was the bookkeeper at our last parish. She served as Director of Development for our parish school in Laurel, Maryland for 15 years. I have served on the school board and as a member of the Knights of Columbus, a lector, altar server, and chairperson of a capital campaign to build a new parish center. 


We are just beginning to get involved with St. Matthew’s.  I have joined the Finance Council and will begin serving as a lector and Eucharistic Minister.  We also have an affinity for the ESU Warrior Food Pantry.


I share a little of our story as a precursor to talking about our annual stewardship initiative that we launched last year. Entitled “Forming Disciples, Sharing Gifts,” it is a call for each of us to review and renew our commitment to sharing our time, talent, and treasure with the St. Matthew’s community. We ask everyone – young and old alike – to prayerfully reflect on the gifts given by God and the gifts that can be shared to enhance our parish mission. 

You should have received a letter from Father Don in the mail along with a commitment card. During the next week, we ask you to go online to review our Ministry Booklet to identify any options that might appeal to you. We also ask you to assess your financial situation and determine your intended contribution to the parish for the year ahead. Please indicate your interests and intentions on the commitment card and bring it to Mass next weekend and place it in the collection basket. If for some reason you did not receive the letter, commitment cards and ministry booklets are available in the back of the church. 


If you would like to meet other parishioners and to ask questions about the many ministry options within our parish, we invite you to join us for donuts and coffee after all masses next weekend.


In closing, I ask you to think about the image of a candlelight vigil that begins with a single flame. As that little light is passed from candle to candle, the room begins to glow brilliantly. The same is true with building a parish community. If each of us shares our gifts in some way, no matter how big or small, our good works will reach far and wide. We will become the light of Christ. I invite you to join my family in reviewing and renewing our commitment to St. Matthew’s Parish in the year ahead. 


Thank you.

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