ESU Catholic

Experience the salvation of Jesus Christ with other students seeking to live out their faith.

ESU Campus Ministry & Young Adult Ministry provided for ESU students and young adults to grow in faith  and participate in Parish life.

young people need to see that the love of Jesus is alive in your heart.

you are invited to join with our Youth Meetings! We've been planning some great events, and you won't want to miss any of the great times we are going to have together so please accept this invitation to our Youth Meetings!

Last week the ESU& College Ministry had a great moment

Other opportunities:

  • Daily 12pm Noon Mass

  • Serving meal for the homeless on Thursdays and Saturdays


  • Spiritual Direction and Guidance 

  • Sacrament of Reconciliation 8:30-9:30am & 3-3:45pm every Saturday or by appointment 

  • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday-Friday 12:30-6pm

  • Church open for daily prayer 6am-6pm


  • RCIA or direction for those interested in converting

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