Saint Matthew's Catholic Church
78 Ridgeway Street East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Hello. My name is Ariette Escobar and I would like to share something with you today. My husband and I have been attending St.Matthew’s for over 20 years and during that time our 3 children received their sacraments here. That is one of the many reasons St. Matthews holds such a special place in our hearts and why we feel it is important to give back to our community here.
We are all involved in different areas of the church. My teenage sons have been involved with the middle school youth group and high school youth group, as well as helping with the soup kitchen, and other activities. My husband also helps out with different events held at the church, such as the soup kitchen and fundraisers. As for me, I have also volunteered my time with the youth group and have joined different opportunities when they arise.
The nice thing about volunteering our time is that we can all be involved in different areas according to our different talents and time available. Here at St. Matthew’s we are lucky enough to have several different groups and so there are many opportunities for you to participate. If you can’t think of what is the best opportunity for you please come talk to one of our priests, or stop by the Parish Office, and we will point you in the right direction and help you find a way to best use your God given time and talent
You probably received a letter from Father Don (with a commitment card inside), that asks us to review and renew our commitment to sharing our time, talent and treasure as part of the ‘Forming Disciples, Sharing Gifts’ stewardship initiative begun last year. We need everyone to prayerfully reflect on the gifts given to you by God and the gifts that can be shared to enhance our parish mission.
After you fill out the card, Please bring it next week and place it in the collection basket.
Finally, we invite you to join us for coffee & donuts after all masses next weekend. This will provide us an opportunity to meet other parishioners and speak about the various ministry options that are needed at this time.
Thank you and God bless you.