
Altar Server's Prayer

Open my mouth, O Lord, to bless your Holy Name.

Cleanse my heart from all evil and distracting thoughts.

Enlighten my understanding and inflame my will that I may serve more worthily at your holy altar.

O Mary, Mother of Christ the High Priest, obtain for me the most important grace of knowing my vocation in life.

Grant me a true spirit of faith and humble obedience so that I may ever behold the priest as a representative of God and willing follow him in the Way, the Truth, and the Life of Christ.


 All students who have received the sacrament of First Communion through college age are eligible to serve. The altar service is one of the most important liturgical activities for our children. Our group has boys and girls who want to be near the altar and serve the liturgy. They are taught both the most solemn Mass and the simplest service.

Coordinator's Name: Deacon Luis                                                  Rivera

Contact Information: (570) 994-3076 or e-mail:

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