Forming Disciples, Sharing Gifts Commitment Card

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Crist:

The Forming Disciples and Sharing Gifts process encourages parishioners to identify their gifts, to be grateful for these gifts, to cultivate and use them responsibly, to share them lovingly in justice with others, and to return them back to God with increase.

We are abundantly blessed by God. The diversity, hospitality, generous and faith-filled commitment of our parishioners reflects the grace of God alive in our hearts and the life of our parish. In humility, we also acknowledge that there is still much work to do.

I encourage you to reflect on your commitment to St. Matthew's Church Parish on an annual basis so we can anticipate opportunities for growth and change as we move closer to the Lord and continue the work of Jesus in our community.

The commitment Card represents the sacrifices of time, talent, and treasure you will make to strengthen our parish mission.

  • For volunteer opportunities, please review the Ministry Booklet.
  • Regarding your financial support please prayerfully consider:

  • If you are being called to take the next step in sacrificial giving by an increase.
  • If you need too remain at your current level of financial support.
  • If you are experiencing some hardship that requires you to modify your current financial commitment.

Click on the Button to get the card and print it to put your information. When you're ready you can drop off the commitment card in the office.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know.

May God bless us all as we renew our commitment to "Forming Disciples, Sharing Gifts".

Commitment Card
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