Middle School Youth Ministry

A Ministry for students in 6th-8th Grade

"I am not capable of doing big things, but I want to do everything, even the smallest things, for the greater glory of God.  If I can succeed in saving only a single soul,

 I can be sure that my own will be saved."

-St. Dominic Savio

Description: Young people of our parish in grade 6th-8th are invited to participate in the Middle School Youth Ministry. Opportunities will be scheduled to gather informally to socialize, build community, break open the word, pray and get involved in service. This is in addition to our faith formation experience. retreats and other events sponsored by the Diocese of Scranton will also be shared. This group is facilitated by a group of interested parents and young adults and supported by members of the high school youth ministry.

Meeting Times: Check the bulletin for meeting/ activity dates and location.

Coordinator's names: Heidi Maturana Benites, Ariette Escobar and Cumanda Sanchez.

Contact Information: h_weidinger@yahoo.com, ariette@yahoo.com, and cumacecinu@gmail.com.

The Middle School Youth Group

They had a Christmas Celebration on Friday, December 13. They enjoyed waffle bar- hot chocolate; Movie-Games and more.....

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