The Diocesan Office for Communications spreads the Good News of the Catholic Church by utilizing all forms of media including the internet, television, radio, newspapers and social media to reach all people of God, Catholic and non-Catholic alike.

The Catholic Light newspaper and Catholic Television, which promote and publicize the work of the Diocese, its parishes and ministries, are brought to life through your generosity!


Throughout the 2024-2025 fiscal year, we will be phasing in a significant rebranding of the Diocesan Annual Appeal to better align mission priorities and to share the resulting impact made possible by the generosity of parishioners and friends of the diocese who join in this unified effort to sustain and grow Catholic ministries throughout the Diocese of Scranton. While the “Diocesan Annual Appeal” is familiar to most of our parishioners, many do not realize what the Appeal supports. This year, we will be very intentional in clarifying how these funds are used to do what no one parish can do on its own by renaming it the Catholic Ministries Appeal.

The Catholic Ministries Appeal is the primary fundraising effort in support of the vital work of the faithful throughout the Diocese of Scranton to serve all those who come to us for help. We are a people committed to all the good work enabled through our unified effort of committing our time, talent, and treasure to those less fortunate than ourselves. Funds raised through the Appeal provide critical financial support for Catholic Social Services, Catholic Education, Catholic Communications, vocations and priestly life, Parish Life, Faith Formation Grants and Social Justice Grants. Through our commitment and unity, we strive to bring the gift of hope to our sisters and brothers most in need.

Each year, thousands of donors generously give to the Appeal so that we may provide significant assistance through the Diocesan ministries of Catholic Social Services and Parish Social Justice Grants, Seminarian Education and Care of Retired and Ill Clergy, Catholic Education in Schools and Parishes, Parish Life and Religious Formation and Catholic Media. In Answering Our Call to Serve, we are united in our efforts to do what no single individual and what no one parish can do on its own! Your financial support is critical to meeting our current needs and planning for the future. We are able to respond to the needs of so many in our midst and to plan for a hopeful future of abundance throughout the Church of Scranton because of you!

Catholic Ministries Appeal- Diocese of Scranton

Your Support in Action

Thanks to your generous support of the Catholic Ministries Appeal. Your donation to the 2024 Catholic Ministries Appeal spreads joy and love to others inn Christ's name.

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